Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 15 - Medieval Art at the Met

Emperor Justinian and his Retinue, c. 547, in St. Vitale, Ravenna, Italy

  1. Meeting in the cafeteria at the Met to review the Middle Ages at 1 pm
  2. Tour of the Medieval galleries

  1. Marilyn Stokstad's Art: A Brief History, Early Christian to Gothic Art.
  2. Beth's lecture on Medieval art

See you there!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 8 - Ancient Art at the Jewish Museum

Facsmile of the frescos in the synagogue at Dura Europus, Syria 244 AD/CE

The Jewish Museum - Antiquity and Modern Art

We will tour the Jewish Museum's collection of antiquity and then run down to the Lee Krasner/Norman Lewis exhibition which is open through Februrary 1, 2015.

I look forward to seeing you there at 1 pm inside the museum.

Please visit the museum's website for more information: